hoi4 dispersed vs concentrated industry

Hard to say which is better, the situation and how you play matter alot here. 5. level 1. It doesn’t matter whether you start in … By choosing Concentrated Industry, the player is increasing his production substantially. Explains how the Chinese Army drove MacArthur and the U.N. forces out of North Korea, and tells why the Chinese decided to intervene. clear all. Arise children of the Fatherland! This will allow the player to build more factories and make pre-existing ones more efficient. The nature of the war is such that its end is usually celebrated in multiple countries as Armistice Day, or ceasefire, rather than victory. Do the factory output modifiers not affect civilian factories? And also make all new factories(including conquests to be more productive at start). However, military units alone cannot defeat an insurgency. Most of the work involves discovering and solving the population's underlying issues, that is, the root causes of their dissatisfaction. This would allow for modelling of scenarios that players might actually encounter. I can't say that is better: loosing production effiency when changing line or loosing 25% forever at 1943. efficiency cap. So at 4 (1941) level Dispersed will have +40% output and Concentrated will have +60% output. Immediate factory output advantage that mitigates the fact that higher production efficiency takes much longer to grow. Dispersed: 1.5*5*365 = 2737.5. But unlocking Concentrated/Dispersed Industry techs gradually diminishes this penalty because they stack additively with the penalty. Yet only about 30 percent of companies are capturing value from Industry 4.0 solutions at scale today. Until patch 1.2 dispersed didn't get the +25% base that the OP has shown is valuable in the first 40 weeks. Since the AI will almost never use bombers (or, if they do, never in any number that actually matters), this is kind of pointless for single player. Hey everyone, I've been looking at the subreddit and lately there's been a post that does some calculation on a spreadsheet the math is pretty alright but is a little bit wrong in certain areas and can give wrong answers, /u/Jimmeh23 after doing some math concluded that it would take 60 weeks to reach the same amount of production in one line with concentrated industry. Looking for some information on when researching Concentrated Industry is better than researching Dispersed Industry and vice-versa. Taw at this point i just don't know what you're talking about anymore. I suspect concentrated is better when you Tech rush (you will have advanced Equipment in production long term), Heavy Tech rush industry Techs (you will reach higher production efficiency earlier) or simply don't like switching production lines and research other stuff. Did I miss something? As you get closer to maximum efficiency the closer they will be to the same, but, dispersed will always be 56.25 days ahead until then. It might be better and that depends on four factors: How quickly do you need to get production going from conquered nations? Hearts of Iron 4 is a complicated game, but hopefully you’re starting to learn the ropes. Part of a series on. The 100th anniversary of the assassination of the Austrian successor to the throne Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife Sophie in Sarajevo unleashed the series of events that unleashed World War I. The assassination in Sarajevo, the ... 2. An insightful account traces the transformation of the Japanese military, praised by the West during the early twentieth century for its chivalry in warfare, into a notoriously brutal, rapacious legion during World War II. Tanks on the other hand are every 2 years in a lot of cases. The main conclusion we can do is that Dispersed is always better if you plan on switching your production around and plan on improving and/or adding new factories to a production line. Total concentrated factory output is +75% where dispersed is +50%. But the efficient retention is very nice, as hungary? Noticed some folks add USA and USSR to the Concentrated group because they dont get much MIC from conquest. Dispersed Industry is superior when it come to producing top tech equipment. In a realistic scenario the efficiency cap grows with the factory count. They nerfed concentrated down to 15% so concentrated is really only better for countries that make lots of old equipment (you can play the soviets like this). I wonder if dispersed and concentrated is really the best names for the two industry paths. Concentrated used to be 20% and was "better" for players. By the time you're ready to go to war (often mid 1937 or later) concentrated is already close to breaking even. The assumptions so far have been for new factories in the late game. Let's say we add a new factory to an existing line of concentrated industry with 10 factories at max cap and level 2 prodcuction tech (65% efficiency). By choosing Concentrated Industry, the player is increasing his production substantially. This will allow the player to build more factories and make pre-existing ones more efficient. Dispersed Industry - Like Concentrated Industry, Dispersed Industry has 5 levels that can be researched between 1936 and 1943. So for a long time there was a "best choice" here, and everyone who said "always pick concentrated" was 100% correct. Let's now do the math to see how much we will produce in 1 day with with each technologies with 10 factories with just the base efficiency : 50 = Base Factory Output 5 times 10 the number of factories in this example. Test show that while dispersed do get an early lead that lead is not all that big and concentrated just … For the longest time I just thought dispersed was only for countries worried about getting bombed. This book provides a description of principles and practices of shrimp culture at one point in time and documents both historical events and conditions now. It also tries to look into the future. The beauty is that there can't ever be a definitive answer due to the complexity of the question. Hungary begins with vast aluminum deposits, local steel, extended cores on nearby territory, yadda-yadda. Dispersed has lower prod output modifier by each tech level. The answer is dispersed. If you have 1941 Industry techs it's a bit less, 2.2 Medium tanks for each one. If you think that's worth losing all anti bombing modifiers and retention bonuses then good for you. That’s all well and good, but let’s get to the nitty-gritty: unit production and management. Maybe you should try and do the math if you think you're so smart. Since the AI will almost never use bombers (or, if they do, never in any number that actually matters), this is kind of pointless for single player. War Is a Racket is a speech and a 1935 short book, by Smedley D. Butler, a retired United States Marine Corps Major General and two-time Medal of Honor recipient. Approximately But in games like Hungary/China or other minors, political power and focus timing will prevent you from immediately putting that industry to use. Short answer is dispersed is better short-term or if you are switching production lines a lot. By choosing Concentrated Industry, the player is increasing his production substantially. Written soon after the close of World War 2, this collection of Sir Arthur Harris's memoirs reveals the man behind the Allied bombing offensive that culminated in the destruction of the Nazi war machine but also many beautiful cities, ... Concentrated. This field manual establishes doctrine (fundamental principles) for tactical counterinsurgency (COIN)operations at the company, battalion, and brigade level. Therefore Dispersed Industry should also increase the rate of production efficiency is growing, so that you are reaching the cap faster. Press J to jump to the feed. Can you confirm that the tooltip is in error here? So at 4 (1941) level Dispersed will have +40% output and Concentrated will have +60% output. You are absolutely right, Dispersed is better in so many aspect. It takes 3 weeks to grow to the new level (3*1,7%), the other 49 weeks you'll be sitting at max cap with your old factories. Efficiency growth.It reads : After 10 weeks of production we produce 546 guns a week or (546/7) 78 guns a day with Dispersed Industry, This table will now include the total amount of Infantry Equipment 1 that have been produced since from Day One.It reads : After 10 weeks of production we produced 3675 guns with Dispersed Industry. Following his acclaimed studies of the state of modern France and how Hong Kong has changed since the 1997 handover, Jonathan Fenby now turns his attention to one of the most interesting yet under-reported figures of twentieth-century ... It should at most stack multiplicatively (arguably less), because these technologies don't counteract above problems. One last thing the initial mil factories and starting lines can start with full efficiency, so they will benefit form concentrated for the first 3 years in many cases. Disperses is generally better if you will be at war in 1939 as you will have produced more at that time. It takes over 400 days for the effects of Concentrated to "overtake" those of Dispersed in terms of total production for a given production queue At max 50% vs 75%, so 25% difference in output. The story of the huge chemical corporation, I.G. Farben: its relations with Hitler and the Third Reich, its takeover of the chemical industries of Europe in the wake of German conquest, its use of slave labor in its own Anschwitz-like ... 2.0 = Factory Output Bonus, 100% in Concentrated Industry V, 0.10 = Base Production Efficiency at day 1. Starting from the debate on the origin and nature of jihadist militancy that is dividing the most important scholars of Islam, this report outlines a broad spectrum of radicalization factors leading to the emergence of jihadists hotbeds, ... This book will make crucial reading for anyone studying Turkish politics, or indeed European or European Union politics. Upgrade interval usually longer than Concentrated > Dispersed threshold. "Way is no way. I also find dispersed preferable in veteran difficulty for the prod. Each new level provides the same bonuses except the … The only thing concentrated industry has over dispersed is +5% production, which equals to something like 20-25% at max tier. Having lots of old factories and and occasionally adding a factory to an existing lines seems a fairly reasonable scenario for most (all?) Dispersed Industry - Like Concentrated Industry, Dispersed Industry has 5 levels that can be researched between 1936 and 1943. Dispersed Industry is superior when it come to producing top tech equipment. Alexander shows the causes and effects of the Korean War and demonstrates how the United States could have avoided the confrontation with the Red Chinese if it had correctly interpreted signals from them. they all have tons of different abilities in the game and all you need to know is how and what to pick You are using an out of date browser. Alas, France is on the brink of civil war with the communists quickly growing in strength. But, to ensure the survival of France and her legacy you must help keep France in Hearts of Iron … Concentrated vs Dispersed Industry - Suggestion. JavaScript is disabled. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. This will allow the player to build more factories and make pre-existing ones more efficient. Concentrated vs Dispersed industry, mathematical solution. Also decision to produce outdated equipment for USSR is pretty much leading to delayed death by the Axis heavy/superheave hi-tech wave. Efficiency growth is very slow when it is near max while very Quick when low which is why Dispersed +25% headstart is not as good as it may first look like (not that it is bad). At the time, the Imperial Russian Army had started to collapse. Here are some of the basic formulas we will use : We also have a simplified version that we can enter in Google to do the calculation for us, this easy to use formula only has one variable that you can switch to verify if Concentrated or Dispersed is worthwile. I would only recommend dispersed if you are either new to the game or expect the enemy to focus on strategic bombing ( which will not be the case as you are playing against AI ). For the 1937 production tech you have 10% increased cap and 2 years to the next tech, which makes it 6 weeks to grow and 98 weeks at max cap for the old factories. In SP the answer is probably no. create_unit = { division = "name = \"2. Playing as Hungary (trying to conqueer half of europe, it's 13:00/19/May/1936, I go for concentrated. Concentrated : ( ( 50 * 2.0 ) * 0.10 ) = 10 Dispersed : ( ( 50 * 1.5 ) * 0.35 ) = 26.25. War. This is a reproduction of the 1984 Department of the Army Field Manual 100-2-3 (The Soviet Army: Troops, Organization, and Equipment). This is the first book to be published in this exciting new series on political philosophy. In addition, I … you will be swapping what you are producing so much, you will keep losing all your production efficiency, especially when it comes to planes, concentrated 100% youll be making artillery, infantry and support equipment the entire game, if you have played a decent amount of games and think that you are able to plan the majority of your production ahead of the war go for concentrated. Concentrated vs Dispersed Industry - Suggestion. We can conclude that Dispersed Industry is much better with new lines of productions in the first ~40 weeks, until Concentrated Industry surpass it and becomes much better enjoying a 50% production output at 100% Production Efficiency thanks to the 50% Factory Output. TL;DR : Go for Concentrated if you got lots of Military factories from the get goGo for Dispersed if you play a minor and will build/take new factories a lot. Not going to argue why beyond simple explanation. Concentrated Industry outproduce Dispersed industry in total production between 400 and 600 days (depending on techs and other modifiers). I have never tried to work it out with the numbers though. Press J to jump to the feed. 2. Prehistoric. Op explained it all. It's really going to take a bit of analysis to determine what's best. Looking forward to seing what happens next. Compliance. There's absolutely no way distributed is anywhere close to concentrated. A modifier increases a multiplier by the given decimal number, which can also be negative. by Earl F. Ziemke. American Political and Cultural Perspectives on Japan: From Perry to Obama presents a panoramic survey of American images and ideas about Japan—past, present, and future.

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